Saturday 7 April 2012

Starting over again

There are those moment of life that i'll always remember and can we start over again?

 But how to start over again? Start from Where? When? Which date?

(reset life. I want to restart my life)

(I'll always remember... I'll never forget, how you took my breath away, the first time we met. No matter what happens... no matter what we do, I'll ALWAYS remember the first time.. )

(Beautiful flowers make me smile)

(Falling in love is easy. Staying in love is challenge)

(Money and love aren't the same thing.The more you spend money, the less you have,
the more you spend love, the more you get in return)

(    )


(Yesterday is history, Today is a gift, and Tomorrow is a mystery.
Live each day as though it were your last, with the things that are truly going to last)

(New LOVE song)

(Telling the truth is the right way to act. Living with lies is harder than living a truthful life. 
Being truthful and honest is important)

(I need many things to help me live, but I need only you, to make life worth living)

Pray for happiness, hope for dreams, and hold on to love.

Yes, sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning to start over.
 + A person doesn't have to be perfect to be exactly what you need..+

1 comment:

  1. I believe in Luck, but for me is Luck to be at the right place at the right time.Good Luck!!
