Thursday 12 April 2012

I Hate MySelf

All of this happend.. I know it seems like I'm this strong person who can get though anything, but inside .. What do you want me to say? The truth is NO. I'm not okey and then what? So just smile and say I'm fine .. even tho I'm really dying inside.. Sometimes I just feel like running away.. I'm going to smile and make you think i'm happy. I don't know what to do anymore, nothing feels the same.

I've always tried to be nice to everyone. Ive tried to help everyone.. Never did anything bad!! Never hurt anyone. I think!! SURELY. Just wanna see everyone happy. Even if it means i'll be sad. WHY???? WHY???? Dear darling, what wrong with our love? Then how all of this can happen?
I don't miss you | I miss the person I thought you were.


I love and hate my life all at the same time. *Crying* I just hate feeling like this.

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