Saturday 21 April 2012

CRV 2 yrs today!!

Hopefully 21 is my lucky number and my lucky day!! To start my new life!!
Happy Birthday to My black baby CRV | is 2 today 21 April 2010 - 21 April 2012

My birthday 21st September

Did you know that every different colour of rose has a distinct meaning? Yup... so you'd better know what message you are sendingbefore you send it!
Here's a breakdown of each colour and its meaning... 

RED: I love you

PINK: Grace and elegance, happiness, and also an expression of admiration

YELLOW: Friendship

WHITE: Purity and innocence

ORANGE: Desire and enthusiam or secret love

LAVENDER: Enchantment or love at first sight

PEACH: Sympathy or gratitude or modesty and sincerity

BLACK: Death

CHAMPAGNE: Lasting beauty

Even the way roses are arranged can convay something to the recipient. For instance...
Two roses joined together with a ribbon represents engagement. Red and white roses arranged toghether means unity.

And guess what? Even the number of roses you give to someone also has meaning. Take a look...

1 rose: Love at first sight
2 roses: Deeply in love
3 roses: I love you
6 roses: I want to be yours
9 roses: Eternal love
10 roses: You are perfect
11 roses: You are treasured, the one I love the most
12 roses: Be my steady
13 roses: Secret admirer
15 roses: I am sorry, please forgive me (hubby gave me on our Anniversary)!!
20 roses: Please believe me
21 roses: I am devoted to you
24 roses: I am always thinking of you
33 roses: I love you with great affection
36 roses: I will remember our romantic moments
40 roses: My love is genuie
50 roses: Regretless love
99 roses: I will love you for as long as I live
100 roses: Always together until we grow old
101 roses: You are my one and only love
365 roses: I think of you everyday
999 roses: Everlasting eternal love (now that can be expensive!).
I bet you never thought the colour and the number of roses you send could mean so much? Well... now you know!

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